Botrytis Disease (Botrytis cinerea)
Balling of buds and flowers after rainfall, dropping of buds,
rotting buds and flowers, and spotted canes are all symptoms of Botrytis.
Mouse-gray moldy deposit, damping off of yound seedlins and considerable
diminution of flowers and vigor are also signs. This disease is often called
gray mold.
Cause: Plant debris. Favored by high humidity
and condensed moisture.
Spores are airborne. Botrytis blight is a fungal disease that generally attacks
dying tissue. It is frequently found on older flowers and other plant parts.
Under certain conditions it may also attack healthy tissue.
Prevention: Make sure you have good air circulation and balanced fertilizer. Suspend nitrogen fertilization and fertilize with potassium. Remove affected plant parts. Fungicide sprays can be used with seedling beds.